Friday, August 27, 2010

Aguie the Donkey Baby Has a Sex Change #blogboost

Got your attention there right?? Well, it's a true story.  I have a friend in a western state who when she and her husband retired, bought a small farm.  Just 10 acres. They wanted it because they wanted animals.  They have at varying times up to 5 dogs (that I know of) and a dozen cats, inside and outside and barn versions, a horse or two and a donkey. (one of those "Adopt a wild animal" things you know?

Well this week she sent out Birth Announcements:

"We had a new baby donkey born Saturday night. It was a girl so we named her Augustina and christened her Ladyship Augustina "

Then today she sent this
"We had a new baby donkey born Saturday night. The mother wouldn't let us get too close at first and we thought it was a girl so we named her Augustina and christened her Ladyship Augustina - sent out pictures the whole 9 yards".

"When we could get close enough, though, we discovered our "precious little girl" was actually a feisty little guy so we named him Augustin, aka AUGIE..  So Welcome to the World Augie.... stay away from mama Carol, she's just liable to change you back to a girl!

This wonderful lady is another one of my "super seller" OBS friends -

And a wise-acre fellow group member made this remark (hey Griff!! LOL)

A baby donkey!?! .... a new Above Standard Seller is born !.... just give him a bit and he'll grow up to be a TRS!



Picture credits to strayspray and kudos for the animals you house!



Bev England said...

Absolutely love this story!

mymomsbooks said...

Such a cutie. Carol's animals are so lucky to have her farm.