I`m Kathy from KDMORE-CRAFTS-AND-MORE and here is my Latest addition to our Group Blog
I have titled this Trials & Tribulations because this Backyard Fish Pond has been a Thorn in my side since we (meaning my Husband Donald ) decided we needed one 6 years ago.
We have had our Koi fish scooped out of the Pond by Raccoon and Skunks that frequent our yard, we have had problems with Algae build up so thick you can`t see the bottom of the pond, we`ve had some kind of Bacteria kill off all the fish, and we`ve had numerous Filter Systems fail and cost us $100`s of dollars to replace them UGH !
Now our newest problem is LEAKS !
We thought a few weeks ago that the water was being pumped out of the Pond because during a very strong 45 mph wind, it had blown the return water hose OUT of the pond.
So we refilled the 500 Gallon pond up to the top again ( BTW this REALLY irritates me because we have City Water and that`s $$$ for me ) only to have my son tell me a few days ago that the Pump was SCREAMING ( it does this when it`s sucking air & not water )
Sure enough, there`s no water in the Pond again !
So now we have to scoop the 3 Koi we have left ( we had 10 in there at one time ) and get them in a BIG Bucket of water to save them from sure extinction !
Next I ( hubby has bad knees so he can`t do this anymore ) have to suck up the last 3 inches of Water and a Bunch of leaves too from the bottom of the Pond, get inside and SEARCH for the dang Leaks !
Well I found 4 different places where the Pond is Cracked ! eye yi yi
So off Hubby goes to get some Water Proof Sealant and Plastic Liner fixer stuff..
So this is what my Fish Pond looks like right now.
Here are the 4 different Cracks once they were sealed.
Hopefully tomorrow once the Sealant has CURED, and it`s a little Warmer outside also, the Pond will be lined with a Heavy Gauge Black Plastic lining, and we will fill it up ( Water Company really loves me this past month ) and Cross Our Fingers & Toes, that the Water stays in and we can put the Fish back in their swimming pool LOL
It`ll be just in time too for them to start to Winterize themselves and settle down to the Bottom for a Long Winter`s Nap in CT.
Oh the Woes of having a Backyard Fish Pond !
So besides the marauding black and white cat who runs loose in the neighborhood, I have to watch for leaks?? Maybe I don't want one as much as I thought. LOL!
But I bet it's pretty in the spring and summer...
Something I don't think I need! lol Besides I don't fish!
Destruction should not be maintained by anyone. Nature and excellence is open properties for all human. It should not be lost. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing. Pond Liner Repair Kit by Pond Pro 2000.
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