Friday, September 10, 2010

Lest We Not Forget......

Tomorrow morning will mark the 9th anniversary of one of America's most tragic events. So I'm going to take this moment to veer away from the hustle and bustle of our lives, our businesses and our recreation to get everyone who reads this to stop and and remember the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives and the thousands more who had their worlds turned upside down due to this loss.

I also want to have everyone remember the strength America showed as a nation, no matter race, religion or political preference we all stood together in agreement that our America had been wronged, that we as a Nation needed to stand together and show our support, I remember not even being able to find an American flag for sale, cars had flags attached, homes had flags waving, it was awesome.

So as we are here 9 years later, let us not forget we are that same America, that our power is in our deep love of this country that gives us the opportunity to have so much and to be free to pursue our dreams.

Let those that died on Sept 11 not have gone in vain but be honored with us all coming together if even for one day, in remembrance.


The DSRS of our lives said...

And let's all find a flay to fly tomorrow!

kdmoretti said...

Great Post Danni..That day is one I will NEVER forget that`s for sure. I have had a Flag flying in my Yard EVERY day since then and will lower it 1/2 Mast tomorrow to commemorate the lives lost, the families who were destroyed, and the courageous people who risked their lives going in to rescue as many as they could on that fateful day.

mymomsbooks said...

Danni, I think all of us are reliving the day etched in our minds forever. We are so lucky to be Americans.

Unknown said...

Good thoughts Danni--touched my heart.

Kat Simpson said...

Thanks for helping us all remember, Danni!

Sushiboofay said...

Great minds think alike. I just got done writing my thoughts about 9-11 on my blog. Hard to believe 9 years have passed - in some ways - it seems like only yesterday.